
Legal Notices and Trademarks Last Updated Jun 8 , 2017

Warranty and Liability ChemEOR is committed to providing the highest quality chemicals at competitive prices. ChemEOR warrants that the products meet or exceed the performance standards described in the product specification sheets. If you are not completely satisfied with our products, our policy is to replace the product or credit the full purchase price, shipping and handling. No other warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are provided by ChemEOR. ChemEOR’s liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the product. ChemEOR shall have no liability for direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising from the use, results of use, or inabilty to use its products.

Hazardous Substances For the products listed on this website which have not been tested for toxicity, the absence of a specific warning should not be interpreted to mean that the products have been proven to be nontoxic. Material Safety Data Sheets are sent with all products.

Intended Use All products sold by ChemEOR are intended for enhanced oil recovery industrial use only, unless otherwise indicated. These products are not suitable for consumable purposes.

Trademarks ChemEOR, CRS, PUMPex, LINKmer, PolyFlood, SurFlood, and Cerogel are trademarks of ChemEOR, Inc.